JULY 21 - JULY 27



STICK AROUND immediately following worship for a short, informational FRC Family informational update. Emphasis on ‘short’ because when we asked if lunch was included we were treated with an eyebrow raise…

🚀 MISSION UPDATE: FRC's Missions Team Goes High-Tech! 🚀 Attention all stealthy, astute FRC'ers! If you've noticed the disappearance of our trusty missions bulletin board, fear not—it's all part of our not-so-top-secret mission to revolutionize communication! 🕵️‍♂️🌍

Bulletin board: out. TV screen: in! Coming soon to a common area near you, we're upgrading to a high-tech display to keep you in the loop with our missions and outreach activities. 📺💫 Why the change? Bulletin boards are expensive to maintain and difficult to keep current. Get ready for impactful news, great visuals, and updates that'll keep you in the know. Stay tuned as we unveil our mission updates and keep FRC more connected than ever to our missions partners! Mission control, signing off—over and out! 🛰️


Acts 29 Brewers Bash! ⚾ Hey there, post-high baseball fans and sandwich enthusiasts! Whether you’ve attended Acts 29 in the past or not, we’d love for you to join us on Sun., July 28, for the Acts 29 Brewers game extravaganza. For just $20 per person, you get a seat to watch the Brewers take on the Miami Marlins at 1:10 PM. But wait, there's more! Hop on the church bus departing FRC at 11:30 AM—because who doesn't love a road trip with fellow fans? We're throwing in a sub sandwich lunch but act fast because only the first 29 sign-ups secure their spot on the bus (if ya snooze, you need to provide your own transportation)! Head over to frcoostburg.org to reserve your seat and make sure your payment slides into home plate by July 24 (Venmo $ to FRC Uth). Let's knock it out of the park together, Acts 29 & friends crew! Batter up! 🚌🌟

🍳Registrations are coming in for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Sat., August 3 at 6:00 AM at Judi’s Place in Oostburg! Enjoy breakfast, a short devotional, a sharing of prayer requests and spending time in prayer before eating breakfast. It’s a fun group and you’ll be home before 7:30 AM. Go to frcoostburg.org to sign-up [click HERE online readers] or drop your name at the Welcome Center. Give us a try, the guys would love to extend hospitality!

Closet Cleaning Adventures was on overdrive this week. You thought our adventures were small potatoes. A box here, a box there, and throw in a dustrag now and then. NOT. This week our crew of volunteers helped strip down broken chairs and other metal items accumulated over years and then hauled the metal away. #Sustainability #CostSaving #LuDaveDonDreamTeam. Where can you find this much “riveting news” in one issue…?


The Nicaragua missions trip team is in desperate need of volunteers next Sat., July 27th. Like, desperate in meaning, surely Toby will provide some sort of reward to anyone who fills the final 13 volunteer spots at the Kohler picnic. You know, like perhaps he’ll have you all over for a cookout? Or he’ll officiate your wedding wearing a 3-piece suit and tie. Or, he’ll take some coconut cream pies in the face at the upcoming Grill and Chill…the possibilities are endless. Would 13 people please step forward to help fill the volunteer slots, with 100% of proceeds going to the Nicaragua missions trip. The needed roles are: 

  1. 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM (2 volunteers) 
  2. 1:30 PM - 7:30 PM (11 volunteers)

Sign-up as follows: frcoostburg.org, or online readers click HERE or drop Toby an email at tthomack@frcoostburg.org.


➡️⛳🏌️‍♀️Mini-golfers don’t forget your tee time is today at 4 PM at Sunset Hills near Plymouth. The forecast looks fabulous, perfect for sinking those tricky shots and enjoying some tasty eats with over 60 fellow mini-golf enthusiasts! Would someone get this Editor pic’s before Pastor Brian starts claiming his ‘10 handicap’? 📸😄

➡️ Our Christian Sympathy is extended to Francine DeMaster in the loss of her sister-in-law, Barb Huibregtse.

➡️  Samaritan’s Hand is July’s Mission of the Month. Great ministry with bible studies, support groups and counseling to assist those working to overcome addictions.  Month-to-date donations total: $839.

➡️ Attendance last Sunday was 284. The Offering was $22,120 and the average weekly giving needed to meet budget is $19,135. 



July 21 - 9AM- Worship: “Deliverance | Assurance“ Pastor Bob 
Scripture: Exodus 6:1-30 

10:30 AM - Deacon’s Meeting

4:00 PM - Mini-golf & Brat Fry event (Sunset Hills)


6:30 PM - Grill & Chill Team Meeting (Library)


9AM - Eernisse Circle (Hostess: Pam Quaas; note: Editor is available for overruns. You should see the spread from the Prayer Circle meeting. Ladies - you need to think about joining these circles…).

1:30 PM - Stitching for a Cause


July 28 - Worship: “Deliverance | Assurance“ Pastor Bob
Scripture: Exodus 6:1-30

JUL 27 & 28: Nicaragua Fundraising (Picnic)

JUL 28: Acts 29 Brewer Game

AUG 1- 4: FRC Family Camping Weekend

AUG 3:  Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Judi’s (6 AM). Register on frcoostburg.org or at the Welcome Center

AUG 8: Noah’s Ark (area incoming 6th - outgoing 8th graders)

SEP 4: Grill & Chill (4 pm - 8 pm)

SEP 7: Annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge 


We’ve got a newbie on our list, Prayer Warriors: Adam Swart. Earlier this week Adam had ACL/meniscus surgery and now is recovering at home. Karen Neustel also is recuperating at home after having a stent placed in her carotid artery this week. Giving thanks that both of these surgeries went well!

Let’s turn up the prayer dial for Mary Rauwerdink. She’s recovering from a surgery a week ago however, at the time of this bulletin printing, she continues in ICU in St. Luke’s, Milwaukee. And Rita Harmeling is patiently waiting for her leg bones to heal so she can bear weight and begin therapy. She has a few more weeks of non-weight bearing so pray for a healthy dose of patience. 

Pray for Bev Gabrielse as she awaits her first chemotherapy treatment on August 5. Her treatment plan will include treatments every three weeks. And a reminder that Tracey Anderson is anticipating surgery on July 30. Pray for her to sleep well leading up to her surgery. Jean Kohls had some intense chemo treatments this past week. Pray that her side effects will be minimized. And Suzie Brusse is continuing immunotherapy every 7-8 weeks.

This week please focus prayers on the ministry of Love INC in Sheboygan County and Tandra Sbrocco as she serves as the Executive Director of Love INC. Tandra has submitted the following prayer requests: 1) Pray for wisdom and discernment for our search team to locate the best people to work within our Refugee Resettlement Ministry. 2) Pray for landlords to open their hearts and available units to our new families as they arrive.