Past Bulletins

FRC Calendar

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STEPPING OUT! The annual Grill & Chill is coming up on Wed., Sept. 4. This is one of FRC’s larger outreach events. Specifically the Grill & Chill is a “neighborhood-style grill out” designed to create an environment where people feel welcomed, understood, and valued. Your mission is to think of individuals to invite who may not have a church home, or may be struggling to feel a part of a faith family, or simply need to feel a part of a group of genuine and approachable “neighbors” and, wait for it, then invite the individual(s) to the event!  Here’s some simple ideas:

  • Think about who’s in your neighborhood or sphere of influence that may not feel part of a faith family. Pray for these individuals;
  • Get some conversations going with these individuals and then, 
  • Extend an invite to come with you; or to meet you at the Grill & Chill!

In upcoming weeks we’ll need everyone’s help such as sign-ups for serving, donating food and attendance. All hands on deck for this event ya’ all. Mark your calendars and start praying!  


THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: We’ll be kicking off the annual nomination process in the upcoming week both by Email and in the August 4th bulletin. We’ve made the process easier this year and we’re counting on each Communicant member to be a part of it. Watch for an email on August 1 and be sure to check out your bulletin next Sunday.

Love INC has two part-time employment opportunities available - a Case Manager (for coordinating details within the Refugee Resettlement ministry) and a Financial Administrator, also for the Refugee Resettlement ministry and perfect for the number crunchers among us! This is a great way for individuals able to work part-time to put their skills and experiences to work for a non-profit ministry that’s focused on building hope, meeting needs and ultimately transforming lives! To apply, send your resume to


Family In Need Update: Your financial generosity to last month’s special offering to assist a local family in need is very much appreciated. The Deacons have been actively assisting this family get on their feet over the past 5-6 months. If you know of an individual or family who could use some help, please do not hesitate to reach out to Luke Dykstra who is the in-take person for services of compassion and mercy. 

Upcoming Special Offering Opportunities:  Here’s a view into the upcoming special offerings (aka “pink offerings” for those with long histories at FRC)! 

  • July - Samaritan’s Hand (based in Sheboygan) hosts bible studies, support groups and counseling to assist those working to overcome addictions.  Month-to-date donations total: $956.
  • August - Ben Johnson’s ministry in Thailand. Ben was just here in person last Sunday and next week we’ll provide more information about his ministry with Serge.
  • September - Kelsey Corpas who’s working full-time for World Team in Madrid, Spain

Love INC & Refugee Resettlement Ministry: The Deacons are embarking on a partnership with Love INC to join as a partner in their Refugee Resettlement program. It’s a unique opportunity to minister love in the name of Christ to individuals who have had to legitimately flee their country and take refuge. To give you a flavor for what the Deacons are looking at eventually resourcing - an Arrival Team, Family Mentor, Employment Mentor, Case Management, Translators. If you’re interested in joining the training please join us on Monday, July 29th from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  This partnership will be a great opportunity to capitalize on all sorts of different skills that people have within our FRC faith family!  


➡️ Next week is Communion Sunday. Please pray, seeking reconciliation with God and others, as we come together to remember Christ's profound sacrifice on the cross, where He offered His body and blood for us.

🚗 On the road again (cue the Willie Nelson audio)! The Mission Circle is heading over to the Sunroom at Pine Haven, Oostburg for their meeting this Thur., August 1. Leader is Mary Roerdink, Lesson # 7; Hostess: Gloria Opgenorth. This group is getting pretty wild…where next ladies? Vegas?

🍳Men, don’t forget the Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Sat., August 3 at 6:00 AM at Judi’s Place in Oostburg! Register online or just come on in and try it out!

🙏 Thank You to all the special people who keep our after church coffee & cookie time well supplied with sweet treats. We also appreciate the servers for making sure the time of fellowship goes smoothly. Thank you for welcoming FRC guests and serving our FRC families! - Joan Dykstra.  Editor’s Note: if you didn’t stop at coffee time last week you missed the fabulous, homemade Butter Cookies. Your loss…just say’in!

⏰And Pastor Toby thanks everyone who’s signed up for the Nicaragua fundraiser this weekend, with extra special thanks to those answering the last minute call for help. Your support for this mission trip is appreciated. In return let’s hope he’ll promise to keep his sermon’s under an hour both now and forevermore … 

➡️ Attendance last Sunday was 332. The Offering was $18,431 and the ave.weekly giving to meet budget is $19,135. 



9 AM - Worship: “Deliverance | Assurance“ Pastor Bob
Scripture: Exodus 6:1-30

11:30 AM - ACTS 29 Bus Departure for Brewers Game


5:30 PM - Refugee Resettlement Training


1:30 PM - Stitching for a Cause


1 PM Missions Circle (see announcement for change of location)

Family Camping Weekend (Breezy Hill) thru Sunday


6 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Judi’s Place). Men of all ages are invited! Just drop by and give us a try!


8/4 9AM - Communion Sunday: “Deliverance | The Cost“ - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Exodus 11: 1 - 12:32 (select verses)  

AUG 8: Noah’s Ark (area incoming 6th - outgoing 8th graders)

SEP 4: Grill & Chill (4 pm - 8 pm)

SEP 7: Annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge 


Earlier this week our emergent prayer call blast went out for 2 year old Henry Daane who is battling an infection at Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee. Pray especially that the medical team can determine the source of his condition so to create an effective treatment plan. Note - if you’d like to be one of our faithful prayer warriors and do not already receive the emergent prayer call blasts, please let the office know and we’ll add your number to the list.

Tracey Anderson will be going into surgery this Tuesday. Let's ask God to calm her spirit both about the surgery and the healing process that follows. And pray the surgery goes smoothly and brings positive results.

Those continuing in recuperation include Karen Neustel who’s had some ups and downs with her recent surgery recovery; and Mary Rauwerdink who has been released from the hospital - pray for strength and energy. And remember Rita Harmeling as she’s receiving physical therapy but is waiting on the good word that she can bear weight on her leg.

Updates on others on a cancer journey: Terri Mentink has a maintenance chemo treatment this week, Bev Gabrielse will have her first treatment on August 5, and Jean Kohls is in recovery from a recent treatment and seeking wisdom in considering a new treatment.

This week please add a focus to your prayer list for  Liz Ten Pas and her ministry with Reborn Ministries in the West Garfield Park neighborhood of Chicago. Liz has submitted the following praises and requests: With almost 2 years at the ministry of Reborn, praising God for the ongoing financial provision, for a successful baseball season and our reach to many new people, and for ongoing safety and protection during a very violent summer.  Prayer requests include: a need for more partners to join the team, continued safety for the remainder of the summer and for the violence to cease, for the Spirit’s work in the lives of the children and families Liz works with, and finally, pray for wisdom as the team begins looking forward to fall programs.