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FRC Calendar

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OCTOBER 20 - 26



🚀T-3 Days Until the 2nd Wed. Nite Family meal this month! We're serving anytime from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM so those working have plenty of time to drop by!! On the menu are hot tamales, hot dogs, veggies and dessert. The time to register is NOW so the Connect team can grocery shop! Just pop over to the Welcome Center, go to or online readers click HERE,


🎉 Calling all 5th Graders! 🎉 We’re cooking up something awesome with a Baking & Games Night on Sunday, November 3, from 6-8 PM! 🍪🍰It’s gonna be a blast—mixing up sweet treats and playing games with friends. So, don’t miss out! Sign up now and bring a buddy to double the fun! 👯‍♀️

🍌🎳Don’t Worry About the Splits…at FRC’s Bowling Bash your score doesn’t matter. We’re simply out to create an opportunity to connect with each other and better yet, create a casual environment where we can easily invite friends and/or family who may be unchurched or disconnected from a church home and make them feel welcome! So come strike up some fun and get ready to roll on Sun., Nov. 10, from 2:00-4:00 PM at Lakeshore Lanes in Sheboygan. What’s in store? For just $5 per person you’ll get 2 games, pizza & soda and lots of fun! Don’t miss out—to secure your spot sign up at, stop by the Welcome Center or click HERE! Registration deadline is Nov. 6th!  Just want to be a spectator and enjoy some pizza? That’s fine too!

🍳GUYS - don’t forget to register for the next Men’s Prayer Breakfast scheduled for Sat., Nov. 2 at 6:00 AM at Judi’s Place in Oostburg. Sign up on or, online readers, click HERE!

Finding Rest in the Chaos - a ministry event for women is just around the corner. To secure your registration stop at the Welcome Center, go to or online readers may click HERE. Ladies, invite your friends as well!

🦃🥔🧈Thanksgiving Help! The Food Vault is hoping for donations of 40 turkeys and 40 lbs of butter and (PTL all the potato slots are filled already) by November 12. To donate, please click HERE or go to


Congratulations to Brandon & Wendy Hoffmann on the birth of a son, Colton Glen on Oct. 14th.

With sincere thanks - FRC, thank you for the cards, phone calls, texts, prayers for Don and our family since the accident. We are so thankful for your thoughtfulness. Please keep praying as Don will have a long recovery. And to those gentlemen that stepped in to assist on the “container project” in Don’s absence, thank you! - LuAnn Teunnissen. Our Investigative Reporter was curious about the “container project”. We found Don had committed to a project that was in-process when he had the accident. But these gentlemen answered the call to help in just 48 hours notice! Thank you to #TeamJameyBradKentBrianKevinGageGriffinJonah. You guys are rock stars with servant hearts!

Oostburg Area Reformation Service is coming up - it’s 6PM on Sun., Oct. 27th at First Presbyterian-Oostburg. Special Guest speaker is Pastor Josh Scheid and bonus alert: refreshments will be served after the service. The offering this year will go to Anchors of Hope in Sheboygan.

🪡🧵FRC’s Stitching With A Cause would like to thank the anonymous donor for the $250 donation to help our quilting projects! The generous gift helped us purchase more batting. We have made and donated over 150 quilts through the years for those in need in the Sheboygan, Milwaukee and the Chicago area!

Attendance last week was 343 and the offering was $16,810. We need an average weekly giving of $19,135 to meet our budgetary commitments. The October Mission of the Month offering is designated for Tara Meke and her ministry with Beyond Borders. Month-to-date donations for Tara total $715. 

This month’s special offering is designated to Tara Meke and her ministry with Beyond Borders, a non-profit that supports refugees and displaced children & adults with educational programs. The Deacons thank you in advance for your generosity to this and all monthly special offerings.


SUNDAY 10/20

9AM WORSHIP: Why Do You Doubt?- Pastor Bob 
Scripture: Matt. 14:22-23 & Luke 8:22-25 

10:15 AM - Sunday School & Coffee Fellowship

10:15 AM - Sermon Discussion Class

10:15 AM -  The Chosen does not meet today

11 AM - Deacon’s Meeting (Shed)

4 PM - Sun. Nite Bible StudyBetween Two Trees

MONDAY 10/21

6:30 PM - Combined Consistory & Ministry Teams Mtg


9:00 AM: Eernisse Circle (Hostess: Sunny G.) 

1:30 PM: Stitching for a Cause


5:30 - 6:30 PM: Wed. Nite Family Meal

6:15 PM: Uth Large/Small Group 

6:30 PM: Bible Class 

7:30 PM Choir Practice kicks off 🎶


10/27 - 9AM WORSHIP: Why Do You Think Such Thoughts? - Pastor Bob
Scripture: Mark 2:1-12 & Matt. 9:2-8 

OCT 27: Pastor’s Appreciation Reception

OCT 27: Reformation Sunday (Host: First Pres. and speaker Rev. Joshua Scheid)

NOV 2: Men’s Prayer Breakfast

NOV 3: High Five (5th Grade) Baking & Games Nite

NOV 10: FRC’s Bowling Bash

NOV 12: Food Pick-Up

NOV 13: Wed. Nite Family Meal

NOV 14: “Finding Rest in Chaos” Women’s Event

DEC 15: The Giving Experience

DEC 22: Kid’s Christmas Service & Worship

DEC 24: Christmas Eve Service

DEC 25: Christmas Day Service


Prayer Warriors - your work is ramping up this week. We’ve now got two FRC’ers at Froedtert.  Jeff Brusse sustained multiple injuries after a significant fall from a roof last week. He’s had multiple surgeries including the repair of his elbow this past week. And, also continuing his extensive healing journey at Froedtert is Don Teunissen. We need to rally in prayer for Don as he still needs to regain an appetite so he strengthens his body to aid in healing and stay free of infections. And his journey of recovery is anticipated to be lengthy - let’s pray God gives him some peace, joy & patience in this season of his life. Let’s pray for emotional strength for both Jeff & Don’s family members as well 🙏.

Carol Hengst is about to get a new skip in her step after her hip replacement that is scheduled for Tuesday! Let’s pray for the surgery, her recovery and post-surgery therapy! And, Glen Wynveen is beginning a 6 week regiment of radiation treatments on Tue. Pray for strength and that his body reacts favorably as he begins this journey of 5-day a week treatments. Also remember our other FRC’ers in various stages of cancer treatment - Suzie Brusse (PTL that her scan looked GREAT!),  Bev Gabrielse (in recovery from a chemo dose), Terri Mentink (receiving a maintenance chemo this upcoming week), and Mary Rauwerdink & Jean Kohls who receive ongoing treatments. Pray especially that all of these individuals will experience minimal side effects.

Finally, please continue prayers for Paige Ludens (extensive kidney testing), Rita Harmeling (broken leg) and Wendell Hoffmann (wound care) and that God will bring healing to each individual.

This week we’ll focus prayers for Chaplain Jim Hildebrandt at the Sheboygan County Detention Center. Jim expressed his appreciation for our faithful and diverse support of his work. He has submitted the following prayer requests: Ask God to prepare the hearts of inmates to be receptive to the Good News of His Kingdom; and to overturn the cycle of darkness and despair in the lives of inmates, their families and staff. Also, we’re praising and thanking God for several inmates who have recently become “fully persuaded” that the Gospel is true and have begun to follow Jesus for the first time; for a successful golf outing fund raising event at Pine Hills golf club; and for the faithful team of volunteers who actively support and nurture the spiritual needs of inmates, their families and staff!