Vision & Beliefs

No two churches are alike, even churches of the same denomination. Our Core Values articulate what we as a congregation most highly value. They lay the foundation for ministry and help us to achieve our vision by guiding decision making, goal setting and ministry priorities. For people new to our congregation it helps them understand the very nature of our church and our priorities. They serve as a verbal snapshot that identifies what we stand for, what we are all about and what makes us different from other congregations.

Core Values

1. Authority of the word of God: God’s word is to be taught, memorized, studied, meditated upon, shared, and lived.

2. Christ Centered Worship: God honoring, Spirit lead worship is a church wide discipline, led by focused pastors, lay persons and skilled musicians, and implemented in daily life.

3.Doctrinal purity: God word has final authority for our lives, and provides a guide for holy living.

4. Strategic Service: God has called us to serve one another in the church, as well as our surrounding community, and the world.

5. Lost people matter to God: God calls us to send people from our congregation into mission and invest in people through local relational outreach and global missions.

6. Spirit filled discipleship: God has specially gifted us and we are to recognize those gifts and develop them within the body, so can join him in his kingdom’s work.

7. Personal relationships: God has a personal relationship with us and we must nurture it with him and each other to attain authentic community.

8. Prayer: God is over all, and our effectiveness in life and ministry depend on the outpouring of his grace and power through prayer.

9. Cultural Relevance: God is relevant to everything and we must carry out all our ministries in culturally-relevant ways.

Vision & Mission Statements

A place for your heart to be transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.

A Place for Your Heart / A Challenge for Your Mind / A Purpose for Your Life / An Expression for Your Soul

The purpose of First Reformed Church is to glorify God by making disciples for Jesus Christ who care for people, serve their God by serving others, and worship joyfully their Almighty God.

A disciple of Jesus Christ is committed to obeying Him as Lord and Savior of all of life by being an active, growing participant in the care of the Christian community; growing in disciplines of the Christian life; serving God, the family of God, and all people, through the use of spiritual gifts; and regular and faithfully expressing the joy of the Christian life through worship and witness.