JUNE 30 - JUNE 6



FLOOD RELIEF. Numerous FRC’ers have relatives and friends in midwest cities, including Rock Valley, Iowa that were hit by severe flooding last week. If you are able to contribute financial assistance to assist individuals in these flood ravished areas, consider giving to World Renew, a trusted partner of the RCA and other Christian churches. Online readers - click HERE to enter World Renew’s donation portal for the midwest storm disaster response or go to worldrenew.net, click Donate and on the donation page note that in the lower right, you can choose for your donation to go to US Midwest Spring Storms 2024-relief. You may also send a check to World Renew, U.S., 8970 Byron Center, MI 49315-7400. On your check memo: US Midwest Spring Storms 2024. Your donation today will truly help families return home and recover from these devastating floods.

CAMPER KIDS! Our Camp Manitoqua crew comes home Friday. If you’re an early online reader, pray for their safe travels and that Mom & Dad will let them sleep for 24 hours to catch up… 


ROVING REPORTER ADVENTURES.  This week we caught various FRC’ers working on the asphalt and brick work around the new digital sign. In the midst of a cloud of dust Roving learned all about asphalt and observed just how labor intensive sawing through it can be. Of course, Roving’s hearing was lost in the process which has prompted enrollment in sign language classes.Thanks Kevin Hendrikse for lending your expertise! #worldofasphalt  #KevinJimJimKen

AND SPEAKING OF HARD THINGS…There is an Oostburg Concrete beanie hat over on the lost & found table set up just outside the narthex. With newfound asphalt & concrete ‘expertise’, Roving is seriously eyeing it up. There’s also lots of baking dishes and other fun items that have been left at church. Please pick them up in the next two weeks or they may traverse over to the Goodwill. Remember - we are on closet cleaning adventures, ya all. We can’t keep this stuff much longer!

July’s Mission of the Month is designated for Samaritan’s Hand, a Sheboygan-based, Christ-centered ministry to those addicted to drugs or alcohol. Samaritan’s Hand offers bible studies, support groups and counseling and a structured atmosphere of the Sober House to assist those working to overcome addictions. Lindee Brill will give us an update during worship on June 30. 

⛳TEE OFF with Men's Ministries for Mini-Golf Madness! We’re all invited to mini-golf outing at Sunset Hills Golf Course in Plymouth on Sunday, July 21! Putting starts at 4:00 PM, followed by a WI-staple dinner of burgers, brats, and beverages. Sign up on the church website, by clicking HERE, or visit the Welcome Center for assistance. Everyone is welcome! Got questions? Reach out to Pastor Brian. See you on the green!  


LAWN CARE…The Property Team is seeking volunteers to mow & trim the church lawn for the months of August & September. Ideally two individuals for each month makes light work! Perks: fresh air, exercise and providing attractive grounds for our regular worshippers & visitors!  We’d really appreciate a few servant hearts letting the office know at plemkuil@frcoostburg.org

ROLL OUT THE BARREL! And let’s have a barrel of fun!  First, thank you for answering the call for donations of kid-friendly items for the Food Vault. Our barrel in the coat room is about half full!  With school out for the year, kids are home more and miss out on free or reduced-cost meals so we are trying to bridge the gap by adding kid-friendly items to our summer food distribution. Ideas for your shopping list include cereal, mac and cheese, and jelly. #NoChildLeftHungry.

THE FINAL COUNTDOWN… The Uth Ministry is down to only 24 volunteers needed to fill the Kohler picnic fundraising opportunity on July 27 and 28. Proceeds support the Uth mission trip to Nicaragua in partnership with Nicole Opgenorth. There are various shifts open and easy jobs - meal included. If you can lend a hand and be part of our mission, please visit frcoostburg.org, stop at the Welcome Center or click HERE online readers.

CHRISTMAS IN JULY is not just for Hallmark movies… We’re looking for a servant heart/s that enjoys organizing, has some detail-orientation and would be jazzed to brainstorm some new ideas to make Operation Christmas Child (the Christmas boxes that are distributed to children all over the world) a family event! There’s cool possibilities, ya all, to involve kids in the process and teach them the importance of giving.  Please consider this.  We’ll get you going, we’ll provide help with marketing and communication.  We know how to get the boxes and we know ‘a guy’ that has been so willing to transport all of our boxes to the destination drops and maybe he’ll help again! We just need an enthusiastic organizer interested in making this an opportunity for kids to get involved. 


☑️Pine Haven’s latest edition of Whispering Pines is available if you click HERE. Or, grab a paper copy from our track rack in the Narthex.

☑️Men, if you’re in town the weekend after the 4th, how about giving the Men’s Prayer Breakfast a visit? Stop by Judi’s on Sat., July 6 at 6 AM for food, fellowship and some prayer time! Would love for you to sign up in advance on frcoostburg.org or click HERE online readers. 

☑️Attendance last Sunday was 353. Offering the week of June 16 was $22,069 and the week of June 23rd was $13,094. The average weekly giving needed to meet budget is $19,135. The Special offering for June (for a local family in need) is at $3,022. FRC’s total budget in 1967 was $59,345. Classis dues in 1983 were $7,500. And the size of the blueberry field Pastor Brian will be picking from on vacation this week numbers over 1,000 plants… #Statistics #MathFun.  Maybe next week we’ll venture into calculus! #EditorNeedsFocus 

☑️All Ministry Teams & Consistory have a combined meeting on Mon., July 15th at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. These combined meetings will happen three times a year to promote information sharing and dialog amongst the Ministry Teams and the Consistory (FRC’s leadership team)!

🎇It seems the Mission Circle has decided to check out the fireworks and move their July 4th meeting to July 11. Study Lesson 6 and anticipate some sweet treats from Hostess Delores R.! 

☑️Thank You - “Thank you to all the talented individuals! We, at Mary’s Room, thank you for your beautiful blankets and footies. They are adorable! You all make it so easy for us to help the mothers in need. Blessings to all of you for your time and generosity.”  The Volunteers at Mary’s Room.

🔒SECURITY UPDATE.  Our church doors are open 7:00 AM- 7:30 PM daily during the summer. As a safety precaution all doors except the carport are locked during worship. Security personnel are located at the carport entrance prior to and during services.



9AM WORSHIP: “Deliverance |The Internal Chains“ Pastor Bob 
Scripture: Exodus 3:1-22


9 AM - Prayer Circle (playing double duty Leader & Hostess is Ann Lammers!)

1:30 PM - Stitching for a Cause



Men’s Prayer Breakfast (6 AM, Judi’s) Click here to register


JULY 7 - Worship: “Deliverance | External Chains“ Pastor Bob 
Scripture: Exodus 4:1-31

JUL 9: Food Pick-Up (Parsonage)

JUL 9: Creative Worship Team (5 pm)

JUL 10: Grow Team (6:30 PM)

JUL 11: Mission Circle (1 PM)

JUL 14: ACTS 29

JUL 15: 175th Anniversary Team (10:00 AM)

JUL 15: Combined Consistory with Ministry Teams

JUL 21: Family Mini-Golf & Brat Fry at Sunset Hills 

AUG 1- 4: FRC Family Camping Weekend

TBD: Noah’s Ark (area incoming 6th - 8th graders)

SEP 4: Grill & Chill 

SEP 7: Annual Men’s Golf Scramble at Autumn Ridge 


A Note of Gratitude: Thank you for God’s blessings of answered prayers, kind acts and well wishes! Henry’s month-long stay in the hospital due to a serious infection was covered by your prayers & thoughtfulness. Henry & Sandy Teunissen.

NEW AND/OR UPDATES: Bev Gabrielse is home, recovering from surgery and awaiting test results as the medical team detected cancer during her surgery. Similarly, Tracey Anderson is finishing up testing to determine next steps in her cancer treatment. And Rita Harmeling is able to relocate to Pine Haven Oostburg as she recovers from a complex broken leg. And PRAISES that Shannon Van Ess has completed her radiation treatments! New to our prayer list is the Ben & Paige (Gabrielse) Ludens family. Paige is expecting a child and has recently been diagnosed with kidney disease. Specifically pray that Paige’s blood pressure & kidney function will remain stable and that Baby Ludens & Mom will remain safe and have a full-term delivery.  #PrayerWarriorsUnite 

Continued prayers for Henry Teunissen (post lengthy hospital stay), Mary Ann Trgovec (pneumonia), and for our not previously mentioned cancer patients including Suzie Brusse, Jean Kohls, Mary Rauwerdink and Terri Mentink.

Also this week, we’re focusing prayers on the ministry of Chaplain Jimmy Hildebrandt. Jim will be replacing Chaplain Rick Cawthon as the Good News Jail and Prison Ministry chaplain at the Sheboygan County Detention Center starting July 1. He has submitted the following prayer requests: 1) for God’s Kingdom to advance and God’s glory to increase in Sheboygan 2) that the forces of darkness would be overcome, and that God’s power would be revealed. 3) that God would open the spiritual eyes of people so they may see and believe in Jesus. 4) for a smooth transition into the various relationships within the Detention Center, inmates and staff alike. 5) that God would grant Chaplain Jim wisdom, humility and love as he begins this vital work. 6) for the great team of volunteers and for the chaplaincy support team members.  7) for spiritual openness and hunger for God among both inmates and staff.