This is a low-key playgroup for kids located in the nurseryfor moms of all ages and their little ones (if it applies) to share and prayover a mom’s important role in the Christ-centered home and her incredible influenceon the spiritual well-being of her children no matter their age. While ourlittle ones play together and Sunday School is in session, we’ll visit around conversation cards to receive a word of encouragement,another mom’s listening ear, and a shared laugh over mutual understanding andsimply enjoy this life-giving life group each week.
Meeting schedule: Weekly in the Nursery (start date TBD)
Facilitator: Angela Ring & Jennifer Hahn
This life group is for ALL woman ages 19-99 as each brings a unique perspective to our daily walk with Christ to the group. We will gather in homes to enjoy festive foods, a short devotional and then focus on a time of sharing, connecting and growing together. This is a very relaxed and casual group that allows each person to participate at their comfort level. We take turns hosting, bringing food and leading in the devotional on a volunteer basis. The meeting dates are to be determined but the first meeting will likely be around the second week of February.
Meets: Wednesday evenings 5:45-7:15 (dates TBD)
Facilitator: Cindy Hoitink
Come dine together for a time of delicious food and fellowship for three or four evenings between February and May. Participants will be asked to bring a dish to pass. This will be a casual relaxing event with the purpose of getting to know others better. The group will be limited to the first 10 people to sign up.
Meets: Once a month (dates and times to be determined)
Facilitator: TBD
This group is designed to give men a space just to hang out during the Sunday School hour. Grab a cookie and something to drink and head over to The Conference Room (formerly the Infant Nursery) for a time to talk sports,the weather, or anything that is happening in your world. There will not be a facilitator for this group. We just want to create space for you to hang outwith other men. No sign-up is required
Meeting schedule: Weekly in The Conference Room
Have you ever had questions or ideas about something that was said during the sermon on any given Sunday? This group is designed to give you a place to ask questions, share insights and learn from others as the group unpacks the sermon and scripture lesson each Sunday. The group will meet in the north side of the Fellowship Room every Sunday from now through May 17. Come when you can. You’ll be glad you did. No sign-up required.
Meeting schedule: Weekly January through May 17
Facilitators: Pastor Bob and Pastor Brian
Are you lookingfor some people to enjoy an evening out with? Perhaps you've wanted to try anew restaurant or go to a show, but would like a few friends to go with (or getto know a few new friends). Maybe you have an idea of something new to try(like our curling group or a cooking class) and want to share it and haveothers join you. This group is for young, young at heart or any age in between,single or married. We would probably meet about once a month. Our firstouting would possibly be going out to dinner and discussing other possibleactivities/schedule. We hope to start in early to mid-February, possibly a Satevening. Please list best day/evening for you. Hope to see you OUT ON THE TOWN!
This group for men will meet every other week on Sunday mornings from 7:30-8:30 to discuss issues that are pertinent to everyday life. At the first meeting the group will discuss topics to cover.
Facilitator: Jason Stewart
Meets: every other week on Sunday mornings from 7:30-8:30 starting on February 9.